
know your CUSTOMERS like you know your wine

Customer & Marketing Analysis tailored for your winery

Know your key customers

know your key Customer types

Find the people and the message to acquire customers and strengthen relationships. Once you identify the characteristics of your key customers, you can effectively get more of them.

Pinpoint what drives your business

Identify trends driving success

You need to know what drives success and where to continually improve your strategies.  Best practices and accepted wisdom won't suffice in these unprecedented times.

Make Timely Decisions

Make better Decisions

With the data and visualizations at your fingertips, your team quickly moves forward with strategic initiatives. You become a data driven team quickly making informed decisions with real impact.

unlock the power of YOUR DATA

do you have the time, tools, and expertise to put your data to work?
Unify Data

Unify Data across systems

Your customer data gets spread across your CRM, web analytics, email metrics, and other systems. Struggling to get a complete view of who buys your wine? We bring that data together and present your customer to you.

No Time for Analysis

dedicated Business analysis

You didn't get into the wine business to build an analytics company. Keep your team focused on their passion. We'll deliver the analysis to highlight the key opportunities and help you make more informed decisions

Limited by Your Data Tools

best in class tools & Techniques

Fighting to get the answers you want from the tools you have? Don't have the time or talent to upgrade to the best in class data analysis and visualization tools? We manage that for you so you always have the best in class technology.

how we help you

providing you analysis That IMPROVES your DTC performance

We work as your virtual business analyst team. Our white glove service means you don't work with the data, just the valuable insights it provides.
We'll pull together your disparate data sources, analyze the trends, enrich the data with classification, and then curate the results. We'll walk you through our findings so you can ask questions and discuss the best way to use these new insights.  Then we'll provide you the customer lists you need, accelerating your implementation of those strategies. Finally, you'll receive online access to dashboards and data visualizations so you can revisit the information and explore it at your leisure. We tailor the focus areas and frequency of these reviews to fit your winery's goals.

Guided analysis and focused insights for your team

Know Your Customers

You have many customers and you need to understand each of them.  You have millennial general consumers exploring wine for the first time, boomers who belong to your club, GenX looking for brand affinity, and many many more groups. Do you always know who is who?  Do you know which segments work best for you and align with your strategies to build on those strengths? How about moving those general consumers to club members? Through our analysis, you start to understand the buyer categories for your wines and how to refine your communications to link your communications to their motivations and your desired outcomes.

Customer Analytics, Marketing Insights, and Data Visualization

Focus On Making an Impact

Our system analyzes all of your information to get a complete picture of what drives success for your business. We curate the results of this comprehensive analysis to bring you the most valuable insights. We walk you through the findings with clear and compelling visualizations. This focuses your team on the opportunities to make a difference to your business.  The expertise you have on staff no longer spends time grinding through financial reports and Excel spreadsheets. You put your expertise to use on informed strategy and implementation, which accelerates all aspects of your winery.

Team working with a variety of data sources

Your Data Holds Your Answers

By combining data from all your customer touchpoints, we get you a comprehensive understanding of your customer. With this holistic approach you can understand the variety of customers who buy your wine, how to keep them, and also how to find more people like them. You already have the data but it remains silo'd across systems. We bring it together and put it to work to drive your business.

Schedule a CALL

See how we've helped our client grow and discuss how it can do the same for you